New songs

Please don’t be restricted by the fact that we’ve got a song for most of the times tables now.  There’s no reason why we can’t have several different songs for a single times table.  That would give us a great excuse to set up a class (or assembly) over Skype, where different schools teach each other the songs that they have written.

We’ve got a good starting point.  There seems to have been a continuous outpouring of creativity from some of the St Michaels year 6 children.  As well as writing the 11 times table song they have also written a 12 times table song which we haven’t yet had the chance to develop (Rhythm of the twelves).  I’ve also seen their early ideas for various new songs, including a new version of the 7 times table to the tune of Do you want to build a snowman, which I’m going to shamelessly steal next term.

The band have also written their own song, the 10 times table to Love me again by John Newman.  They taught it to the children at Begbrook primary school and it went down amazingly well.  Better than most of my songs, in fact.  I’ll get them to write out the lyrics and I’ll upload the files next term.

So, this is a challenge to you to get writing!  Please do let me know how it goes and send me any files so I can share them on this site.  I won’t be offended if someone writes a better song than me… honest…

12 thoughts on “New songs

      • It would be great to even hear the recording to see if we can pick it up ourselves to pass it onto the kids? It’s a shame they’ve got all the other times tables as songs and I’m not talented enough to think of my own for the 10s! Please?

      • I’m really sorry, it’s buried in the middle of a 1GB video that crashes my Windows moviemaker every time I try to import it. Also, the words aren’t very clear.

        Our 17 year old music students adapted it from Love me again by John Newman, but the words are “I wanna know now, wanna know now, can you times it by ten” and then the actual times tables are buried in the verse somewhere.

        Could you maybe take that line as your chorus and get your children to write a rap over the verse – 1 times ten is ten, let’s do it again, 20 rhyming with plenty, 30 dirty, 40 naughty, 50 nifty… etc… ??

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